Chancellor's and President’s Message
Integrity. What does it mean to have integrity? Webster defines integrity as firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values. One can follow religious codes like the Ten Commandments, professional codes like the Nursing Practice Act, social codes like politeness – please and thank you – or educational conduct codes like plagiarism and cheating. These codes define our lives, but too many times, we slip and bend. We justify our choices based on the outcome and fail to question whether the actions were ethical and moral.
Integrity is essential in nursing. As a college, we provide guidance and discipline to put you on the path to understanding the meaning of integrity. We will push and confront. We ask you to question who you are, why you are acting, and how your actions affect others. Most of all, we will mandate that you look internally each and every day. Use your heart in making the right choices. The heart is where integrity starts and ends.
Nursing school is demanding, and the nursing profession is even more challenging. But the rewards of being a nurse are limitless. With your heart and commitment to integrity, you will be the Florence Nightingale to your patients and their families. Share each moment and treasure each day.
We welcome you to Jersey College and look forward to working closely with you to achieve your nursing dreams.
Greg Karzhevsky
Steven B. Litvack, Esq.